The Bronze Award Training Course
with the Jersey Tourist Guides Association
The Jersey Tourist Guides Association – www.jtga.org email: Jerseytouristguides@gmail.com
The JTGA are looking forward to welcoming a new group of guides, ideally French and German speaking, but candidates who wish to guide in the English language will also be eligible.
Guiding candidates will be given first option on the course. Any candidates wishing to attend the course purely to learn about the Island will be allocated spaces once the main spaces have been filled by guide hopefuls.
Term commences mid January 2025.
Half term break Monday 17th February to Saturday 22nd February 2025.
Term ends mid April 2025.
9 weeks of theory and practicals, ending with an exam week beginning of April.
We will be running two sessions per week for nine weeks
The theory will be held on a Tuesday evening 19:00 to 21:15
Venue for the theory is to be confirmed in due course; in a town location.
The island wide practicals will be held on Saturdays 09:30 to 16:30
The Island’s Natural Environment
General History of Jersey
Wartime History
Art and Architecture
The importance of Administration and Tour Planning
Let’s get Loud! Presentation Skills
The development of Religion in the Island
Our Heritage – Castles and more
Discovering our Gardens
Coach Tours
Walking Tours
Heritage site visits
The examinations will take place in week 10 in April, and will comprise:
One paper of fast-answer questions and two short essay questions (2.5 hours).
Coach Training, Walking Tours and Heritage site guiding will take place in three blocks.
The first session will be demonstrated by the professionals.
The second session will be over to the course participants with the help of the trainers. Course material, source references and general assistance will be provided in advance and during the training session.
The third session will be your practical examination.
If necessary, a fourth and final practical examination can take place on the Saturday of the Examination week, in case of unforeseen absences on practical examination day.
At the beginning of the course each candidate will be allotted a qualified Guide Mentor, who will be available throughout the course to offer any assistance, support and to answer any questions or concerns the candidates may have.
To be confirmed because we are securing sponsorship.