The following terms of trade are recommended for members of the Jersey Tourist Guides Association, however every member is an independent trader and will negotiate her or his own terms.
The Jersey Tourist Guides Association accepts no responsibility for any arrangements or disagreements or disputes resulting from any arrangements reached between a member and a client.
Fees are negotiable with individual members
according to the member’s qualifications, experience, fluency in foreign languages, the size of a group and the duration of the tour. The nature of a tour may also affect the rate, if a walk and the terrain, or coach tour or where a vehicle may be required, such as a car, bicycle or a tour by boat.
Fees may be based on the following:
Fees may be based on the following:
An hourly rate normally a minimum fee.
A half day – usually between 08.00 and 13.00 or 14.00 and 18.00;
A full day – usually between 08.00 and 18.00;
(a rate may vary for a number of consecutive days)
Meet and Greet: Some members may offer “meet and greet” services;
Lectures: Some members may offer evening lectures or talks;
Itinerary Planning: Some members may offer tour and itinerary planning;
Authorship: Some members may offer authorship services;
Fees for Jersey Blue Badge Guides will reflect the level of training, knowledge and practical guiding skills required to achieve the qualification.
Fees for Bronze Award holders or Associate members may charge a lower rate, reflecting their level of general or specialised knowledge.
Ancillary matters: the following is recommended by the Association as standard:
Expenses: Any charges (Museum entry fees, coach hire, bicycle hire etc.) to be advanced prior to each tour. All other agreed out-of-pocket expenses to be reimbursed on or before the last day of each tour.
Mileage allowance: For use of a member’s car, an agreed rate per mile or one-off charge may be payable by agreement.
Bookings: Confirmed bookings become valid on receipt of a non-refundable deposit of 20 % of the pro-forma invoice value.
Settlement: Balance of fees and agreed out-of pocket expenses due on or before the day of completion of each tour. Payments by bank transfer (all charges to payer), sterling cheque or cash.
Cancellation fees (tours cancelled by the client):
4 to 6 weeks in advance: 20%;
2 to 4 weeks: 50%;
less than 2 weeks: 75%;
less than 48 hours:100%
(all percentages of the invoice value for fees, plus a full refund of all non-refundable costs incurred with third parties).
Cancellation through weather:
Cancellation fees apply.
Cancellation by a member:
Rights are reserved to cancel at any time with a full refund of any monies advanced to the member by the client.
Illness or unavailability:
The member undertakes to make every effort to find a replacement guide in the event of illness or non-availability.
Reduction in numbers:
No allowance can be made for a reduction in numbers within a group.
Persons taking part in tours do so entirely at their own risk. Members are entitled to refuse participation in a tour by a member of a group without explanation.
It is an individual member’s responsibility to provide public liability insurance. Jersey Registered Blue Badge Guides are covered through The Guild of Registered Tourist Guides scheme.
January 2023